Keyword tracking, research, and analysis

Keywords are the main focus and driving force behind traffic. These words and phrases are scanned by Google to help rank you for search terms.

But what are the ones that work? I am sure that you can think of a couple common ones. However, our team finds the undiscovered, low hanging fruit that drives traffic without the competition, leaving all the traffic for you. We track words for you to see what trends are happening, do the research to find which to use, and analyze the best options for you specifically.

a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee
a man sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee
Competitor Analysis

Your competitors are all jockeying for position against you to get traffic as well. Who are you internet traffic competitors? It may not be your local or national players either. Since everyone is fighting for search traffic, others you don't know are also competing. We find who they are, what they are doing, and what we can do to shut them down!

two businessmen fighting over a competition
two businessmen fighting over a competition
Backlinking and Domain Authority

What kind of authority does your site have? How does Google view you? Do others link to your site as a reference or an ad?

We help you get the right backlinks to your site that don't harm you. Psst... paying for backlinks often come from link farms that Google can actually penalize you for. We also help you find ways to get in favor with Google to reach the best position available.

a person standing in front of a group of people
a person standing in front of a group of people
Local SEO

Have you ever used the "near me" feature? Have you searched for a particular item such as "mexican food" ? These are all based off of the local SEO. This specific type of SEO helps boost the proximity based searches, boosting the traffic to you!